Why Buy Used Tires: A Way to Save Money & Help The Environment

Why Buy Used Tires: A Way to Save Money & Help The Environment

Once the tires have faced severe wear and tear and the tread gets too low, it’s time to replace them (for your safety, of course)! Being vehicle owners, we’ve all (at some point) tried avoiding a tire swap simply because it’s a significant investment. 

However, what if we told you that ensuring your safety doesn’t have to come with additional costs? While new tires are a great investment, used tires could be just as new in many circumstances. 

This blog looks at the different aspects of buying used tires in Atlanta. So continue reading as we explore the advantages of buying used tires for your vehicle.  

But, Are Used Tires Safe To Use?

Buying secondhand tires might be risky, but it all depends. Some secondhand tires have higher quality tread and rubber than others. The tires are probably safe if the tread depth is at least 4/32″ and there is no surface-level damage or cracks. Otherwise, you don’t want to risk buying old tires.

Besides, you should ideally replace your tires once the tread depth reaches 3/32″ or less. Driving at this depth is risky, especially at highway speeds or slick roads. 

So, now that we know whether or not it’s safe to buy used tires let’s learn more about the advantages of buying them in the next section. 

Advantages Of Buying Used Tires

Used Tires Are Environmentally Friendly

The used tire industry is huge! Stats suggest that around 40 million tires are added annually to the existing inventory. If these tires aren’t sold or used for other purposes, they will contribute to additional pollution of the environment. Sadly, the procedure is costly, and there is a high demand for recycled rubber.

While the rubber can be made into asphalt for the roads or running tracks, putting them on another car is much easier. Used tires can be easily found with shops for tire repair in Atlanta. These professionals swap tires between cars to make them usable in the long run, minimizing pollution and avoiding further production. 

More Affordable Option

Used tires are more affordable than new ones. For instance, you can easily purchase a used tire for $50, whereas buying a new one could affect your wallet by $200. 

Therefore, buying used tires is a great option if you need more funds to replace your old tires with new ones. Used tires are often fresh, and you may use them for nearly as long as new tires for a fraction of the price. 

Great Option If You’re Trading Or Selling Your Vehicle Soon

If you need tires but are planning on trading in or selling your car soon, it may not be worth the expense to install a fresh new pair. In such situations, you should visit your nearest tire shop open 24 hours to get the best-used tires for your vehicle. 

Besides, buying used tires for trading or selling your car is a great option, as your dealer will normally install new tires when you trade in your automobile. Or, if you’re selling it, the new owner may wish to modify the look with new tires or replace them.

Takeaway Tips For Buying Used Tires

Buying a used tire from your nearest mobile tire repair in Atlanta is easy! However, while they’re at it, many individuals fail to consider a few critical factors that help streamline the purchase procedure. 

Keeping the same in mind, we’ve listed a few takeaway tips to help you get the best out of your used tire purchase. 

  1. Don’t Skip Out On The UTQG Code:

The UTQG (Uniform Tire Quality Grade Standards) grade might indicate how quickly a tire will wear out. The lower the “Treadwear” value, the faster the procedure. Some tires under UTQG 100 wear out quickly, while others with UTQG 450-600 will survive for a very long period but at the sacrifice of performance.

  1. Investigate The Tire Depth:

Tire depth is another crucial factor to help you determine the lifespan of your chosen tire. 

To assess the tread depth, just place a coin with Lincoln’s head upside down into the tread; if you see the entire head, the tire is worn down. You can also use a quarter, a tread depth measure, or the tire’s tread indicator.

  1. Learn About It’s Past:

Before purchasing used tires, learn about the vehicle they were used on, the weather conditions they were subjected to, and so on. If the tires were not utilized long, inquire about the storage conditions. 

Every detail, every problem faced, every repair, every under- or over-inflation is critical. Such features normally impact a tire’s condition and treadwear, among other factors.

  1. Look For Details On Beds & Sidewalls

Examine the condition of the beads and sidewalls when you visit your nearest Atlanta tire repair shop. While at it, see if there are any cold exposures, cuts, or cracks. 

Bumps on the sidewalls might indicate that the belt has detached or that there is another type of internal damage. Bead chunking prevents the tire from adequately sealing, which might have significant implications.

  1. Did You Calculate It’s Age?

This information may be found on a tire sidewall, four numbers after DOT. The first two digits represent the week, while the last two represent the year of manufacturing. So, 3514 indicates that the tire was manufactured during the 35th week of 2014. 

According to manufacturers, the rubber begins to degrade and dry up after six years of constant use. The US Department of Transportation recommends keeping a functional tire in good condition for up to ten years. Typically, the rubber begins to deteriorate after the seventh year, so be vigilant and search for cracks caused by dryness.


The idea of purchasing used tires is often considered to be a taboo among car owners. However, buying used tires is hardly any different from buying a new tire if you’re good with the key metrics of your purchase. So now that you have an idea of purchasing used tires and the different factors behind them, when do you plan to visit your nearest 24-hour tire shop in Atlanta?